Sander Kempkes Dr.

Transition Consultant


  • Theoretical Physics PhD
  • Theoretical Physics MSc
  • Physics and Astronomy BSc
  • Science and Innovation Management BSc


  • Intern Climate-KIC
  • Physics Teacher SSL

About Sander

Sander is a Transition Consultant at Kalavasta. He has a broad background in physics, mathematics, philosophy and innovation management. He holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics (cum laude) from Utrecht University in which he focused on the modelling of artificial electronic structures. Further, he holds an MSc in Theoretical Physics, a BSc in Physics and Astronomy, and a BSc in Science and Innovation Management from Utrecht University (all cum laude). After obtaining his PhD, he decided to spend his time on helping to create a more sustainable world and to have a direct impact on society using quantitative analysis, which is why he joined Kalavasta.