André Jurjus MSc

Associate Partner


  • Economic Anthropology MSc
  • Physics MSc


  • Managing Director Netbeheer Nederland
  • Managing Director Energie Nederland
  • Several positions Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Economic Affairs

About André

André is Associate Partner of Kalavasta with more than twenty years experience in policy making and government relations. He has a broad and in-depth knowledge of energy transition policies, market model issues, regulatory policies and governmental and political issues relating to the transition towards sustainable and decentralised energy system. At the moment he focuses on advising national and local government on a number of problems connected to the energy transition.
He started his career in 1991 as a civil servant, working in the departments of Agriculture and later Economic Affairs, specialising in energy market policies. After 17 years in the government, André began working in the field of government relations. He was managing director of Energie-Nederland, the representative organisation for commercial energy companies in The Netherlands. After six years he moved on to become managing director of Netbeheer Nederland, the representative organisation for the grid companies. In October 2020 he left Netbeheer Nederland to focus on formulating policies for a sustainable energy transition.
André studied Physics and Economic Anthropology at the Radboud University of Nijmegen.